
Supporting Local Businesses: Our Experience at DOST-Central Luzon’s Event

A formal invitation to participate in DOST-Central Luzon’s National Science and Technology Week was given in December of the previous year. Local businesses that have received funding or other support from the DOST got together for this seminar to learn how to grow and become more competitive in the market.

During the event, guests were able to compare items made with DOST funding to items made by businesses. As part of this endeavor, the organizers brought up a visitor to the stage to sample the goods and provide feedback on how they tasted and looked.

Being chosen as the special guest for this mission was an incredible honor. As I tried each product, I was struck by how good they were and saw that there was room for international sales to grow. With the DOST’s guidance, these businesses were able to develop products that could go head-to-head with the industry’s most well-known names.

Attending the event was a great way to witness firsthand the beneficial effects the DOST is having on small and medium enterprises. By giving support and resources, they are helping entrepreneurs take their businesses to the next level.

Those who were not able to participate might get a feel for what happened that day by watching a video of the event that has been made accessible online. Inspiringly, the DOST is improving the lives of a great many company owners.

Central Luzon’s commercial potential was prominently displayed at the National Science & Technology Week, which was an outstanding event overall. It was a privilege for me to take part, and I hope that the DOST’s assistance leads to further growth for these businesses.

For more information on the locally-made products in Central Luzon supported by DOST, check out the official Facebook page of DOST Central Luzon.

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DOST-Central Luzon


Facebook: DOST-Central Luzon

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